Policy & Innovation

Commissioner Lesley Briones is committed to advancing opportunity and justice for Precinct 4 and all Harris County residents through innovative partnerships and evidence-based policy.

Commissioners Court Highlights

To strengthen our efforts toward making Harris County more resilient against devastating storms, we approved the submission of 10 flood mitigation projects, including three in Precinct 4, to the Texas General Land Office for a total of $150 million in grant funding. If awarded, the grant will allow us to complete much needed drainage improvements and upgrades across the County.

We approved the Precinct 4 Healthy Parks Plan – a 14-month effort starting next month that will create connectivity between parks, unused greenspace and neighborhoods. We will seek input from our Precinct 4 residents to create a healthier, more equitable park system. 

We also approved an agreement to develop an in-depth review of existing land use in the Katy East community, to assess and improve transportation and mobility needs for that area. 

And we are extremely excited and proud that Commissioners Court approved the first set of appointees to the newly created Harris County LGBTQIA+ Commission. I was honored to appoint Brad Pritchett and Dr. María C. González as Precinct 4 representatives to the Commission. They are proven advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community. I look forward to hearing their and the entire Commission’s recommendations on tangible changes we can make to better serve our LGBTQIA+ residents and to continue advancing equality in our community.

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